Notice to Bloggerz
We are now using the new version of Disqus. It had to happen eventually, because Disqus is phasing out support for the previous version.
Things will look different, and act different, and things will be in new places.
Hang in there, as we try to figure out this new format.
Important tip : click on the "discussion" tab just under the comment box. Maybe click it twice. But you should see a dropdown menu with choices
Click on "newest" so that you can see posts in chronological order.
Replies seem to be embedded under the original post. Nothing we can do about that, I think.
New capabilities : there's a downvote button, and you can "mention" someone in a post by using the @ symbol and picking their handle from the dropdown box.
Let's try to help each other out here with tips and tricks as we get used to this new thing.